Thursday, December 29, 2011

Less salt = fewer heart attacks!

In a recent study by the New England Journal of Medicine, scientists found that if everyone reduced salt intake by a half a teaspoon per day, there would be between 54,000 and 99,000 fewer heart attacks each year and between 44,000 and 92,000 fewer deaths.

An overwhelming 75 percent or more of our daily sodium comes from processed foods (canned, packaged or frozen items, deli meats, prepared take-home dishes) and meals eaten at restaurants—from fast food to fine dining. Eating fresh whole foods and cooking more at home is definitely the way to go.

This most certainly has your mind on the same thing I have my mind on. Where can I cut out salt? How can I make food still taste good?

Well, that's what this blog is about. So please subscribe or friend me and keep coming back!

In case you're curious, here is the study:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why athletes can eat more salt

It's simple, really. The more you sweat, the more salt you need to replace the salt you sweated out.

In fact, athletes - especially endurance athletes are in danger of a condition called Hyponatremia.

This is interesting. Basically, if you reduce salt intake a little and exercise more, you may lower your blood pressure.

If you are as unlucky as I am, you don't sweat much. People think I'm not working hard enough. I am. I just don't sweat very much. One of the few times I could get away with more salt was at the Coachella Festival. When you are sitting in 100 degree heat in the sun, there isn't much you can do in the way of staying cool. In fact, I did get dehydrated the first time I went.

I'm a bit jealous of one of my college friends who seems to be able to eat all of the salt she wants. She had a shaker in her hand on Christmas Eve. But, then, she plays ultimate Frisbee, goes hiking, and goes running. I can't really do those things.

This article from Rice University goes into more detail about the issues.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Trader Joe's list of low-sodium foods

Trader Joes, a smallish chain of specialized supermarkets in the US which feature their own high quality private label, published a list of their low-sodium specialties.

Maybe you can make your shopping list from this. The list has a wide variety of items. Check it out.

In case you didn't know, Trader Joes started in Pasadena and spread from there. We still have the most Trader Joe's stores per capita. You could say that after having Trader Joe's since the 1960s, Californians have Trader Joe's in their blood.

By the way, Charles Shaw wine (or Two Buck Chuck) qualifies as a low-sodum treat! To your health!

Trader Joes Low Sodium List

Monday, December 26, 2011

Excess salt causes bags under your eyes!

If you watch Dr. Oz, you heard him tell a woman that there are actually a few causes of bags under your eyes.

1. Allegens. (Those itchy eyes!)
2. Sleep position
3. Salt!

I have an easy time understanding how salt and the allergens can cause problems. But I'm not sure I believe the sleep position thing.

When you have allergies, your eyes might itch and tear. Of course they will be puffy.

When you ingest salt, your kidneys can only process so much so fast. What the kidneys cannot process immediately gets stored under the eyes, and in the hands and feet. If you don't sweat it out pee it out, it will remain in your body for longer.

When you fall asleep at night, you might end up puffy in the morning because your kidneys work more slowly at night. I wake up puffy no matter what position I sleep in if I had too much salt in my food.

New Years Resolutions

Is your New Year's resolution to lower your blood pressure? Finally get rid of excess salt that's plaguing you? Sounds like we'll be working on it together.

I'll be sharing tips on ordering food at restaurants, reviewing unsalted or low salt foods, and sharing substitutions that are really great-tasting.

Who knows, maybe losing the excess salt will make you feel better in general.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Health Concerns - living life unsalted

I don't know about you, but salt makes me retain fluids. I don't mean just the salt one can add, I also mean hidden salt.

What is hidden salt? It's the salt used in preparing food before it even gets to you.

Your doctor told you to eat less salt and I'm sure you're completely puzzled as to where you should start.

My goal is to get us all to a heart-healthy level which is a doctor-recommended 1800 milligrams or less!

Join the adventure!

And if you have dating issues, please check out my other blog -